My adventures continue with starter. September is here, and I’m super excited to get the starter going again.
I am not a baker or a cook. I can barely make spaghetti. Pots and pans are usually burned and that is on medium heat on the stove. It’s not that I deliberately try to sabotage my efforts. I think it is either my attention span, my interest, or my ability to read.
Rosemary Olive Sourdough Bread – Product Links
It is the fall and I’m excited to get bread making again. I started up a sourdough starter using sprouted whole wheat flour from Anita’s. It went so fast! Within a week I had an active usable starter! I also splurged on a Bread Lame and a banneton (link below). Definitely worth it! At around …
Sprouting in the Kitchen: Still Creative
It started to get really warm mid May so I shelved the baking and looked for something else to do that was creative. Being in a healthy frame of mind, I decided to tackle the job of sprouting. I heard so much good about sprouts and they seemed relatively easy. Again, the importance was paying …
Buckwheat Bread Gluten Free and Tasty
I tried a second round of the sprouted buckwheat bread. It is from the Fermenting for Foodies website. This bread is gluten free and quite tasty. I still have trouble reading recipes and getting things done in order. This time I mixed all the ingredients together then added the flour. Apparently I was to wait with …
Gluten Free Bread with Flour from Bake My Day
For all of my gluten free friends: I made this recipe and the texture is super but still cakey. I also don’t like the crust on top. And it is too cakey. Oh I said that already. The flour mixture used was a flour mix by Bake my Day and the recipe I posted above. My …
Sprouted Wheat Bread
Sprouted grains are what they call living food. And supposed to be super digestible and you have to keep it in the freezer otherwise it will spoil really fast. In the comments, a person named Carla explained how she changed some of the ingredients to be gluten and sugar free. I’ll try her recipe out. …
Two Trials of Bread Making with Oat Flour
Making two different gf recipes with oat flour. Oat flour seems to go fast from what I read because of the higher protein content. I think that is my flour of choice simply because of that, and well, also because there is more fibre. One bowl with starter and one without. See how they go. …
Focaccia Bread
Sometimes when I have to throw out the starter discard, I don’t actually throw it out. I don’t like throwing it away so I start a new batch for another bread. This time it was for focaccia. My daughter and I got set in the kitchen to do some focaccia. We were very surprised at …
Covid and Sourdough – The Beginning
In April 2020, when the seriousness of Covid became a reality here in Canada, I decided to learn how to make bread. More specifically, sourdough. There was a yeast shortage and a toilet paper shortage, and while one doesn’t have to do with the other, I felt it was a good time to put my …
Momma’s Easy No Yeast Dinner Rolls
Hmm, yeah, no. Not so easy. We’ve been in quarantine lock down due to covid for about two weeks. It’s April 8th. There is a panic in the news about yeast and toilet paper. I’m not sure what one has to do with the other, but there it is. Line ups at the grocery store …
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