Early, Mid, and Late Potato Harvests

I’ve mentioned we’ve never grown potatoes before. That means that we are also newbies in harvesting potatoes. I planted early, mid and late season potatoes but didn’t really have any idea what that meant. Well, I found out.

If you harvest potatoes too early, you get really tiny potatoes. Lesson learned. Our first harvest was in early August and our last early September. Here are some pics from my husband’s instagram and my cell 🙂

Overall I think this was pretty successful. I’ll plant potatoes again next year, though I don’t think I’ll do them so early. I started these end April, and I planted all the potatoes at the same time. Next time I’ll stagger them by about a month.

About Julia

Julia Trops is a free spirited, multi-disciplinary, multi-expressionist artist. CD, BFA, MA. Julia's work, whether in the studio, in the garden or the kitchen, is centred around the process and beingness of existence.