Sprouted Wheat Bread

Sprouted grains are what they call living food. And supposed to be super digestible and you have to keep it in the freezer otherwise it will spoil really fast.

https://www.kingarthurflour.com/recipes/sprouted-wheat-easy-rustic-bread-recipe In the comments, a person named Carla explained how she changed some of the ingredients to be gluten and sugar free. I’ll try her recipe out.

Sprouted Wheat Bread

In these bread pics it looks ok, tastes ok, but it isn’t really like bread, more like banana bread, cakey. And I can’t seem to slice it as thin as I want. It does toast really nice but other than that, not sure I’ll do that one again. It’s more like a treat or maybe with soup which I don’t really have. But it is filling, and dense. So I guess that’s good?

Sprouted Wheat Bread

About Julia

Julia Trops is a free spirited, multi-disciplinary, multi-expressionist artist. CD, BFA, MA. Julia's work, whether in the studio, in the garden or the kitchen, is centred around the process and beingness of existence.