2016 – The Okanagan Butterfly
What it represents: The Butterfly Project united the communities through culture. Eleven artists, from Peachland to Vernon, Indigenous and non-Indigenous, came together to create the communities’ wings.
What is it: 20 canvases, 24”x 24” each, resulting in a 10 foot by 8 foot mosaic of community identity with an eye to the future. The Butterfly Project was unveiled at the 2016 BC Culture Days Provincial Launch which united the communities of Westbank First Nation, West Kelowna and Peachland.
How I did it: I sought out artists with inclusive vision and invited them to create a work individual to the artist. Each artist was provided a canvas with only lines painted on, and asked to create according to their identity. Each painting was unique and special, yet contributes to the vision of the whole.
Why I did it: It was important that the public could participate and be part of this vision. This project encouraged the understanding of Indigenous culture as a separate and distinct yet equally important to fabric of the non-Indigenous community.
Who was it for: This socio-political work was a demonstration of the outstanding Okanagan philosophy of cultural ethics and acceptance which promotes the emotional and mental health of its community members.
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